
Clean Water – Hope for a healthier tomorrow

Diseases from unsafe water and lack of basic sanitation kill more people every year than all forms of violence, including war.

After establishing the medical clinic, Mountain of Hope began to address the lack of a safe drinking supply. A microbiologist accompanied Mountain of Hope on a mission trip and tested the village’s water supply. The unusually high levels of bacteria were clearly established as the cause of many of the diseases common to the area – diseases that also resulted in a high infant mortality rate.


Once again, the focus of the mission changed. Mountain of Hope raised the funds to acquire and ship a drilling rig to Honduras, and began to drill wells in and around Quince de Enero. The health of villagers with access to the clean water dramatically improved, and infant mortality has been greatly reduced.

Since Mountain of Hope operates it’s own well-drilling equipment in Honduras, the average cost to supply an village of 30-40 homes with clean water is only about $3,500.00. If you would like to help, please consider a donation in any amount. It can mean the difference between life and death for a baby born in that village.
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100% of all donations directly support our Honduras Mission.
